LTBMU brings in boulders to prevent illegal trailer parking (while the trail was closed)

In a previous post, I documented that trailer parking was getting out of hand at and near the Tahoma staging area. I had also informed the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) about the issue. While the Rubicon Trail was unnecessarily closed due to the Mosquito Fire, the LTBMU went to work.

Tuesday afternoon, right after the trail was reopened, I drove up to the Staging Area to check out that all signs of closure were actually gone. What I found was a lot of new granite:

The area on the north side was left open for overflow use. Sorry, no picture.

A few logs were thrown in to make it look natural.

Some of the rocks are a little on the small side but the users will get the idea.

They even worked the edges of the staging area itself.

We’ll see if it works.

If you trailer your rig to Tahoe, you might want to get there early as there are far fewer parking spots for trailers.

No users were informed that this work would be happening. No input was given other than the work needed to be done. No signage was added to support the rocks. So much for a partnership with the Forest Service.


Rubicon Ronin

The Rubicon Trail has been Reopened!

This morning the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit released a termination of the forest order closing the Rubicon Trail. Of course, they failed to post it on their website or do a mass press release. But they let El Dorado County know.

El Dorado County then reopened the Rubicon Trail but the wording leaves something to be desired:


I first took it as open from the El Dorado County line to Tahoma but I believe that they meant all of El Dorado County.

 Here is the LTBMU termination of their previous forest order:

Yesterday morning, I sent a letter to about ten people who support the Rubicon Trail and OHV. I pushed them to find a way to prevent future closures and a way to challenge future closures. So far, not a sinlge person has responded to that email.


Rubicon Ronin

I’m Confused

As with all of you, I’m trying to get a handle on this Mosquito Fire Rubicon closure situation. So, I try and find all the current information that I can, so I can pass it along to you.

The Tahoe National Forest and the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit still have a forest order in place closing the Rubicon Trail. I just checked (9/25/22, 7:45am), it’s still on the LTBMU website.

El Dorado County’s ‘Parks’ page and the subsequent ‘Rubicon’ page still have the Rubicon Trail as closed, but then lists the guidelines for traveling. “The Rubicon Trail is closed and the guidelines traveling are:” A little confusing.

Poking around the website a little more, the El Dorado County’s Sheriff has NOT posted the Rubicon Trail as closed. It lists Ice House Road and Wentworth Springs Road as closed but NOT the Rubicon Trail. A little more confusing.

From the same website, the El Dorado County closure map shows nothing closed or under current evacuation orders. Now, this map does not show roads but shouldn’t it reflect the current FS closures?

Per the Eldorado National Forest, the current closure has the area ahead of the active fire closed.

Our government agencies need to get their act together and become more transparent and to provide accurate information to the general public. The purpose of getting this information out is to educate the general public about where they can safely and legally travel and where they can’t. If the information out there is vague or contradictory, the public is confused.

I’m hoping that tomorrow, through the re-evaluation that has been promised, the Rubicon Trail will once again be open to the public. I’m betting they wait until the end of the day to make an announcement, if they announce anything. It’s more likely that if they reopen the Rubicon, they’ll just remove all orders but not tell anyone the trail has reopened.


Rubicon Ronin

Forest Service Backs Down on Closures

Here is the link to the NEW forest order:

The Eldorado National Forest has redrawn the closure area for the Mosquito Fire. The Rubicon Trail area is now OPEN within the Eldorado National Forest but the El Dorado County website still has the Rubicon Trail closed. I will be emailing Vickie as soon as I stop typing this line.

Vickie emailed, TNF called (left message), LTBMU called (left message). 9/23/2022 1:30pm

Let’s see how long it takes to get the Rubicon Trail reopened.

Friday 5pm: The word on the street is that the ‘Incident Command Team’ running the Mosquito Fire is not allowing the County to reopen the Rubicon Trail at this time. There will be a reevaluation done on Monday that should get the trail reopened. Please respect the unnecessary closure for a little while longer.


Rubicon Ronin

Closure Update: rain

As you all are well aware, a rather large storm has recently passed through the Sierra. The storm brough much needed rain and even snow in the higher elevations. This will help firefighters get better control of the Mosquito Fire. This morning, the containment was reported at 49%! Hopefully, that will mean reduced closures.

Also, CORVA has stepped up and into the arena and has been working to get our lands reopened that were unnecessarily closed. They have been in contact with the Forest Service, trying to explain the other side of the argument.

Several points were made to those in authority:

-the fire is 10 miles away from the Loon spillway and almost 20 miles from Rubicon Springs

Remember Tahoe is 11 miles wide and 21 miles long

-no other areas were closed along-side the Rubicon

(There were literally guards on the access road to the Tahoma staging area!)

-no other activities were shut down besides OHV

-most OHV users along the Rubicon can be contacted by radio to alert them

-OHV has the ability to extract much more quickly than other activities

-the fire is headed to old burn scars and will die down when it reaches them

Fire scars

One of the main points made is that OHV needs to be treated the exact same way as other forms of recreation.

It is our hope that the Forest Service will recognize the errors of their way and back down on the closure orders. Unfortunately, I don’t see the FS working very fast on this. I will post up as soon as I hear anything.

If you don’t know CORVA, it is the California Off-Road Vehicle Association. Join today. Join right now. CORVA gets out there and fights the fight. They fight for access to our public lands.


Rubicon Ronin